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Ethel's Online Story Interview with Ethel
Workshop Quick Look Brand Yoiurself
A Word from Ken Workshop Outline Workshop Overview Workshop Calendar
Workshop Costs
Ken Brown Certified Engraver
Engraving Equipment & Cost.
Engraving Videos Ken's Script on DVDs
Workshop Supplies & HoverCam
Workshop Photos Misc Events
FAQ Workshop Promos



or other brands of similar cups
or other brands of similar cups

COST? $1500. for Workshop. All equipment is provided for class use only, in hotel Workshop venues. Student must bring the SUPPLIES kit provided with the purchase of the equipment package. Everything else is provided by the Workshop.
COST? $1500. for Workshop. All equipment is provided for class use only, in hotel Workshop venues. Student must bring the SUPPLIES kit provided with the purchase of the equipment package. Everything else is provided by the Workshop.
Ethel's Online Story
Overview Outline Costs Equipment Workshop Calendar
Videos DVDs Supplies
Misc. Events
Workshop Photos FAQ Promos
Ethel's Online Story
Overview Outline Costs Equipment Workshop Calendar
Videos DVDs Supplies
Misc. Events
Workshop Photos FAQ Promos

These are events over the past several years where the products were fragrance, crystal, wine, spirits, and other items at a wide variety of retail outlets and country clubs. At each event, the engraving was paid for by the sponsor, or vendor, or the establishment. Ken and his trained engravers, all over the U.S. and Canada, do these events for a negotiated day rate; the customer pays nothing for the engraving. At every event, people leave with big smiles! Almost always, Ken's students earn $125. per hour or more for their engraving services at events. Often considerably MORE for individual customers, depending on the item to be engraved and the time required.

These events were in numerous U.S. locations, as well as the one immediately above that was in Toronto, Ontario, CANADA. At this prestigious department chain store, HOLT RENFREW, I was engraving mirrored compacts for ESTEE LAUDER in New York. When I arrived at the store, every sales person in the cosmetics department was wearing a black T-shirt with KEN BROWN emblazoned across the chest!
I've traveled all over the U.S. and Canada, all expenses paid, by manufacturers and suppliers of the product I was hired to hand-engrave. Oh if there had only been the internet then!
My most successful, and best-paid, students have completed the optional KEN BROWN CERTIFIED ENGRAVER program that begins soon after their 3.5-day Workshop in Texas, or wherever it was held. They are doing in-store events for a guaranteed day-rate negotiated between the engraver and the host store or supplier. Certification students learn how to handle those details when establishing a relationship with those wanting events.
The process prepares the student to forge on toward a 10 week completion of the program consisting of 11 assigned projects, done at home. When the first project is finished, a photo of it is emailed to me for a thorough critique that comes back to the student within a few days.
Those detailed comments about every stroke of every engraved letter are to help the student grow faster and more efficiently. The second project of the 11 is not done until the student receives my comments about the first. That process continues for 10-15 weeks, as the student's time allows. Often there may be a delay of a few days in my response, depending upon my own schedule at the time.
The program speeds the student toward their Certification and my endorsement when promotional companies call for engravers in their area of the country.
Call me if you have questions about this optional, but highly important part of the training. You might think of it as getting your 'PhD' in professional hand-engraving and marketing of Calligraphy....a new title you'll own that pays off handsomely!

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