These four scented ladies met me at the door when I arrived for my ESTEE' LAUDER three-day engraving event at HOLT RENFREW in Toronto, Ontario, in the fall of 2002. Much to my surprise, each of them, along with a dozen or so more in the cosmetics department, wore a black T-shirt with KEN BROWN emblazoned across the chest.
The idea was to generate a lot of questions from customers: "WHO is Ken Brown?" Well, each questioner got an answer: "He's a Texas guy who does amazing Calligraphy on our compacts, fragrances, lipstick, and brushes!"
It was a grand event hosted by a group of top-drawer Holt Renfrew staff and Estee' Lauder representatives. Don't recall the number of bottles and other items done, but it was about a Texas pickup load over the three days!

One of the exquisite Lauder compacts I purchased at the event and did for Gail. A jeweled orchid was on the front; engraving on the back.
Holt Renfrew is Canada's largest luxury retailer chain whose business history dates to 1837. I did numerous events in their gorgeous stores across the country. First in Montreal Quebec, Then Toronto. Also, Lauder hosted me at the HR stores in Edmonton, Alberta and Vancouver, B.C. during a 5 year period way back when.
These days my events are mostly taken by the wine and spirits industry. HOWEVER...I do have a fragrance gig at HERMES at the Highland Park Village, in Dallas, on September 9 and 10...this coming Friday and Saturday. Men's fragrances. Check it out and come see the layout and event. A sample of their engraved product and event info are on the home page of ken brown.com Hope to see you at the event.
If you have the time and wherewithal to come to one of my final two Workshops this year, we still have seats in September and October. YOU could be doing this too.
Christmas is coming!