Nam Nguyen is a resident of Austin, TX, and has had a passion for Calligraphy for several years. His Calligraphy had been with pen and ink and markers, mostly on paper, until he discovered my YouTube channel several months ago. He contacted me and immediately enrolled in Ken Brown Beginners' Engraving Workshop. His Calligraphy background was not necessary for the way the class is structured...but his experience was a big plus! He adapted to the dental drill quickly and he's already doing amazing work.

This was his project bottle in the Workshop before gold was added.

This was a project he did on his own as a way to practice the characters into interesting patterns and designs.
The Austin, TX, area will welcome the terrific work Nam will be doing on a variety of surfaces....I'm betting his wine and spirits bottles will be under quite a lot of Christmas trees as people learn of his talent.
Congratulations, Nam! You're doing a great job and you will never have seen a Christmas season like this one!
Our next Ken Brown Beginners' Engraving Workshop is October 30 - November 2. If you have an interest, call with your questions. The sooner students enroll, the more time they have to practice the learning alphabet before the session begins.
Call me at 214.250.6958. We still have 5 seats open.....